LEWES, Del.- Fighting crime one kiosk at a time. Delaware Crime Stoppers, in partnership with the Delaware River and Bay Authority, is bringing this innovative technology inside the Cape May – Lewes Ferry Terminal to increase tip submissions, inform the community about local crime, and make the First State safer.
“Any extra eyes and ears for us is a huge benefit,” Lt. Jason LaMora, with the Delaware River and Bay Authority, said.
“It allows us to say hey we are here we are visible, we are a part of the community and we’re something where maybe you live in an area where you don’t wanna get involved, but you feel like there’s a responsibility to say something, we are a safe place to do so,” Michael Gallagher, Executive Director of DE Crime Stoppers, said.
The kiosk will display Amber alerts, law enforcement recruiting information, information about known and wanted criminals, about safety information, and ways that they can improve their quality of life.
“They can approach the kiosk, they can obviously look at the information that’s scrolling on the screen so they learn a little bit about vacation safety tips, trick-or-treat, some of the wanted posters, information we have for outstanding homicides,” Gallagher said.
The public can also go up to the kiosk and scan the QR code, then submit a tip to the Crime Stoppers website. We’re told not only will this make Crime Stoppers more visible it will also lending a helping hand to law enforcement.
“You know it’s a good opportunity for the public to kind of interact with police and if they see anything suspicious or they wanna report anything it’s a good way they can do that,” Lt. LaMora said.
“We have a very successful rate in crimes solved and cases closed, as a result of the information we receive today and this is just another tool in our tool box to enhance that opportunity,” Robert Mooney, the Vice Chairman of DE Crime Stoppers, said.
Delaware Crime Stoppers have not used this kiosk system before, but we’re told other Crime Stoppers Programs have and it’s been effective. With the help of legislators, Delaware Crime Stoppers wants to bring more kiosks to the area, one for New Castle County and one for Kent County.